With a new company goal to improve the tracking of employee hours, finance manager Nilmini Fernando hoped NE Seal’s payroll provider, Quickbooks, had the solution. However, a review found that a lack of HR features, low customer service levels and recent price increase required Nilmini to begin exploring new options.

The implementation and training processes were seamless. In addition to a 50 percent savings from my previous payroll provider, I’ve found ADP’s customer service to be a massive upgrade.

Nilmini Fernando, Finance Manager
NE Seal


  • Prior to ADP, Nilmini manually entered each employee’s hours – a tedious and time consuming process wrought with errors.

How ADP helped

  • “Now, employees key in their own hours via the ADP Mobile App,” explains Finance Manager Nilmini Fernando. “We’ve seen improvement in our accuracy of records and with the exceptional training we received from ADP we can quickly assist employees with all of their questions.”

ADP Solutions

  • ADP Workforce Now On the Go®

Making the switch to next-level payroll

NE Seal has served the Vancouver area with mechanical seal products and services for 30 years. Clients range from universities to government agencies, meaning efficiency and compliance are critical in all areas, particularly payroll. When they encountered limitations with their payroll service provider, Quickbooks, their RBC Account Manager referred them to ADP.

Switch improves insights, compliance and engagement

With a new company goal to improve the tracking of employee hours, finance manager Nilmini Fernando hoped NE Seal’s payroll provider, Quickbooks, had the solution. However, a review found that a lack of HR features, low customer service levels and recent price increase required Nilmini to begin exploring new options.

A routine business call with her RBC Account Manager led to the recommendation to switch to ADP. “The implementation and training processes were seamless. In addition to a 50 percent savings from my previous payroll provider, Quickbooks, I’ve found ADP’s customer service to be a massive upgrade,” says Fernando. ”They’ve been here to help and guide us whenever we needed it.”

Timekeeping simplified

Prior to ADP, Nilmini manually entered each employee’s hours – a tedious and time consuming process wrought with errors. “Now, employees key in their own hours via the ADP Mobile App,” explains Fernando. “We’ve seen improvement in our accuracy of records and with the exceptional training we received from ADP we can quickly assist employees with all of their questions.”

Compliance is critical

A major source of NE Seal’s revenue comes from winning and retaining business with all levels of government clients, making compliance all the more critical to every aspect of payroll Rather than spending precious time and energy ensuring compliance themselves, Nilmini and NE Seal have confidence that ADP’s expertise and automation de-risk the process and keeps them in compliance.