Based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Independent Power Producer, Potentia Renewables Inc., manages 200 megawatts of installed solar capacity and more than 500 megawatts of wind energy capacity across Canada and the United States. We spoke with Andreea Munteanu-Paise, human resources manager, who supports 77 employees single-handedly, from recruitment to professional development, benefits and payroll — all with the help of ADP®.

ADP Comprehensive Services have cut my workload in half and given us peace of mind that we’re compliant and that our audits will always be handled properly.

Andreea Munteanu-Paise, Human Resources Manager
Potentia Renewables Inc.


  • Every HR professional feels compliance risk. They can’t simply rely on legal advice because in-house legal experts may not have employment law experience, and external sources can get expensive very quickly. Finding compliance resources is time-consuming and not always accessible.

How ADP helped

  • In mid-2019, Potentia switched to ADP payroll services when their current vendor at that time wasn’t meeting expectations. As part of ADP’s HR services offering, they receive regular updates on new legislation and regulations in employment law in any provinces they have employees.